Wednesday 15 October 2014

Telogen Effluvium Hair Loss

Telogen effluvium is probably the second most common form of hair loss dermatologists see. It is a poorly defined condition; very little research has been done to understand. In essence though, happens when there is a change in the number of hair follicles growing hair. If the number of hair follicles producing hair drops significantly for any reason during the resting, or telogen phase, there will be a significant increase in dormant, telogen stage hair follicles. The result is shedding, hair loss.
Some hair loss conditions go by the name "effluvium," which means an outflow. Effluviums characteristically affect different phases of the hair growth cycle. Hair follicles on the scalp do not continuously produce hair. They cycle through a growth stage that can last two or more years, and then regress to a resting stage for up to two months before starting to grow a new hair fiber again. At any time on a healthy human scalp, about 80% to 90% of the hair follicles are growing hair. These active follicles are in what is called the anagen phase. That leaves up to 10% to 20% percent of scalp hair follicles in a resting state called telogen, when they don't produce any hair fiber.

It is normal to lose up to about 100 hairs a day on one's comb, brush, in the sink or on the pillow. This is the result of the normal hair growth cycle. Hairs will grow for a few years, then rest for a few months, shed, and re grow. Telogen is the name for the resting stage of the hair growth cycle. A telogen effluvium is when some stress causes hair roots to be pushed prematurely into the resting state. Telogen effluvium can be acute or chronic.

If there is some "shock to the system", as many as 70% of the head hair are then shed in huge numbers about 2 months after the "shock". This unexpected increase in loss locks, usually described as the locks coming out in handfuls, is serious telogen effluvium. This is a different problem than constant inherited loss locks. However, this can be seen in the less typical serious telogen effluvium, only after a lot of locks has already been lost. Several different causes for telogen effluvium exist. Among the typical causes are high fevers, giving birth, serious infections, serious serious sickness, serious emotional stress, major surgery or diseases, over or under active thyroid, flat with insufficient protein, and a variety of medications. Most hair loss from medications is this type and causes include retinoids, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, antidepressants. At stoptelogeneffluvium, we’ve assisted many individuals stop their thinning locks and replenish their locks since we’ve released Just Really Dense Hair. We are grateful that you have chosen to take action and to look for safe drug-free alternatives regarding your locks & head problems. You are going to be one of the many individuals who have perfected the expertise to obtain healthy development of hair using our 5 step program. Since our beginning, we have been using natural treatments for our products, and they have never stopped to be popular. For more information visit the site

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